Lead advisor Rupert Baines has produced a whitepaper on “How to truly take advantage of wide-bandgap transistors to transform power electronics”

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Whitepaper synopsis:

Thanks to their superior performance allowing for faster, more energy-efficient and more compact systems, wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductors are increasingly being accepted into power electronics applications, displacing traditional silicon-based products.

However, this potential increase in performance can only be realised if these devices are integrated into power systems capable of supporting them. While transistor technologies like GaN and SiC deliver significant improvements at the device level, the system level (drivers, control algorithms, etc.) has not seen a corresponding advanced and much of that potential is being wasted as a result.

This white paper highlights the advantages of wide-bandgap technology and some of the critical problem areas that have delayed its adoption. It also discusses how recent QPT innovations in system design can address those concerns and dramatically improve WBT devices' performance.