The world’s highest fidelity, AC/DC, high bandwidth, isolated voltage and current sense technology.
This oversees the running of the qModule to ensure optimal performance. This sophisticated circuit is key to enabling the GaN transistors to operate at its very high frequencies by monitoring the voltages and currents at the very high frequencies used in our designs.
Our next generation converter topologies operate at high converter speed of up to 20MHz, utilising digital loop controllers. In order to close the control loop, voltages and currents within the converter need to be fed back to the loop controller.
But no currently available, isolated feedback solutions exist that have the performance needed for our next generation converter topologies. High voltage isolation of around 4kV, high dv/dt rejection of greater than 500kV/us, high bandwidth reaching down to DC and up to around 100MHz and high accuracy to FSD and less than one percent.
qSense technical specifications
Available under NDA. Please contact us for further details.
So, we created qSense™ that uses a proprietary modulation scheme combined with our patented ZEST transformer technology to meet all the requirements of our next generation digital loop converter topologies at a commercially viable cost per channel.
It is so innovative in the way that it unlocks the potential of GaN that it is in the process of being patented.
High power integrated motors
Not only does QPT technology cut the power requirements of electrical motors, it also solves a major industry problem of the size of VFD with a VFD design that is around 20 times smaller than today’s VFDs.
Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles or EV are an ideal market for our technology especially as it enables energy re-capture via regenerative breaking.
Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC)
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), uses a huge number of electric motors that are being driven with sub-optimal efficiency.
Robotics, Servos, Welding & Industrial Automation
Productivity can be improved by using qModules to control servo motors because they settle faster so more moves per hour can be achieved.